Tuesday 10 August 2010

Flowers of Santa Fe

Last week I escaped the Texas heat (100+ degrees) for the cool mountain air of New Mexico. While my garden was begging to stay alive, the flowers in Santa Fe were thriving…what a thrill for me!

NM Last group (14)…butterfly bush…

NM Pics (18)…cottage yarrow…

NM Pics (22)…trailing petunias…

NM Pics (28) …what’s this? loved it…

NM Pics (38)…amazing color…

NM Pics (48)…obedient plant…

NM Pics (89)…drifts of phlox…

Picture 366…daises…

Picture 230…one of my personal favorites…hollyhocks…

NM Pics (58)…my other personal favorite…dahlias…

Check out these great container gardens…

NM Pics (82)…loved the purple trim and planters in front of this shop…

NM Pics (83) 

What’s your favorite Santa Fe flower? Needless to say, we returned to Texas and spent half the trip home concocting plans to spend summers in the mountains. We arrived home to a yard full of half-dead flowers and one huge DEAD live oak tree in our backyard. One week…that’s all it took…green when we left…dead as a doornail in 10 days…:(

No worries…we still love Texas…10 days without Chick-Fil-A nearly did us in…

Have a great Tuesday! Back to wedding flowers tomorrow…thanks for allowing me to stray a little today…

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