Friday 9 July 2010

buttermilk biscuits

I told you last week to stay tuned for what to do with that extra buttermilk we had left over from the homemade butter. I know, I know, I'm a bit late. But better late than never, right!? There really are so many things you can make with buttermilk, but I wanted to share a simple classic...Buttermilk biscuits!

The first recipe I used several weeks ago was incredibly simple with only five ingredients, four if you think of the butter and buttermilk in it's original cream form. They were tasty enough I suppose, but last night I decided to test out a different one from a certain Colonel Sanders. So glad I did because they turned out softer and lighter than the first batch.

Buttermilk Biscuits

You can find the original recipe here and if you're as grossed out by the word lard as I am, just be aware you're going to see it in the recipe! But know that if you substitute butter for the lard you'll still end up with a yummy biscuit. I followed the directions to a tee and my advice to you would be to make sure your butter is as cold as possible. Cold butter is the key the flakiness! Enjoy and let me know how you batch turns out if you try it out.

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