Monday 12 July 2010

new top broken pot

If I remember correctly, one of my blog goals for this year was to take more daily outfit shots. I have to take a few minutes to laugh at myself because what was I thinking? That just hasn't happened nor do I think it will unless my backyard magically turns in a glistening lake or ocean. I'm going to take the time to make two excuses for lack of postings, and then I'll move on. Promise.

1. I just don't like taking photos in my backyard. It's as simple as that. Most days I'm too lazy to go down to the park multiple times. I'm already down there walking or running once a day. (That's right...My knee is feeling healthy again!) And who wants to get all dolled up and head back to the place where you just worked out? I certainly do not, thank you.

2. My move up to Washington was so crazy and last minute I only brought one suitcase of clothing for myself. Normally this wouldn't be too bad, I could remix and remix. But I didn't bring a single piece of jewelry or any accessories which makes it tough. And on top of that, some how I managed to pack quite a few pieces that I don't even wear anymore.
Excuses, excuses. But kind of valid I guess? So that's my story and I'm sticking to it. This afternoon though, I was lucky enough to get a package of vintage goodies from my mom back in Texas. Most of the pieces will be going up in the shop, but I decided to treat myself to a few...

low tide

braided headband

How cute is this blouse? I couldn't say goodbye so I'm keepin' it along with a few other pieces. I also tried to photograph my attempt at a braided headband. Neither worked out as I had hoped, but I thought I'd show you anyway.

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