Needless to say, lunching with Grandaddy always involves dining out and today was no exception. We headed over for catfish at the new truck stop slash restaurant one town over. That's my Grandaddy if you hadn't guessed! Looking rather annoyed I'm snapping photos over lunch.
My lovely mother. Although she may beg to differ about this photo...Sorry Mom but I thought it was cute!
Dried flowers that have been in my grandparent's kitchen just about as long as I can remember.
A sneak peak of tomorrow's back-on-track fashion post. Perhaps you've seen the dress on the blogs of a few other fashionable ladies...
One of the many quilts made by my great grandmother, Granny Ward. According to my mom, most of the pieces are snippets of family clothing as she never let anything go to waste.
Now to plan tomorrow's photos and estate sales with Mom...And then bedtime! It's been an utterly exhausting day! Goodnight ladies and gents. Sleep tight!
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