Friday 24 September 2010

driftwood & oaks

A quick post for ya'll because tonight is my last night in Texas for awhile and I don't want to spend too much time behind the computer. However I've got a few spare minutes and I had to show off the sweetest dress my mom let me borrow while I was here. It's actually up in her shop Deoma's Boutique and she's calling it the Indian Summer Dress because it's perfect for transitioning into Fall, especially if you happen to be down in the South!

It's been such a lovely trip, filled to the brim with fun as you may have guessed from my lack of posts. I won't be back until next Summer if you can believe that! Just where am I headed? Tomorrow I'm going back to Washington for the month of October to wrap up some loose ends and then I'm off to...Drum roll please...Thailand!

I spent a good bit of time in southern Thailand after I graduated university, about a year and a half to be exact. I fell in love with the place and have never really been able to shake it. When the opportunity recently arose to get my old job back what else could I do but jump on it. A compact six-month contract! How perfect is that? I'll get my Thailand fix, then head back to Austin, or at least that's how the story is currently written. As you may have noticed I tend to be all over the place, so it's highly likely this plan could change.

So what does this mean for my blog and the shop? Well I'd like to continue both. I'm clearing the shop out completely with the Travlin' On Sale and I'll restock on vintage goodies when I get to Bangkok. It'll probably be down for the first few weeks of November,but relaunched with completely new pieces. As for the blog, I'll keep on truckin'. Of course there will be changes and I'm curious to see the evolution it takes as my life changes.

driftwood, texas
driftwood, texas
driftwood, texas
driftwood, texas
driftwood, texas
* 1960s Indian Summer dress from Deoma's Boutique
* 1920s straw boater
* Black woven belt
* Black strappy wedges (They're at the end of their life!)

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