Friday 30 April 2010

Only Roses

…probably my favorite way to enjoy roses…no filler…no distractions…

1-kendraandjim-blog0013 lane dittoe image via Lane Dittoe

3941508218_3432635b9c_o caroline tran image via Caroline Tran Photography

a100515_win04_ylwsqrsf_xl martha stewart image via Martha Stewart

ACF6F8 millie hollomanimage via Millie Holloman Photography

GetInspired_SlideShow_21 rountree flowers image via Rountree Flowers

uploaded-file-03673 lilac & lily image via Lilac & Lily

Have a great weekend and I’ll meet you back here next week with more flowers…

Thursday 29 April 2010

a patchwork listing

A funny little patchwork shop update, that's what I've got in store for you today! Funny yes, but nonetheless filled with a few adorable dresses and what...harachi sandals too. It's best if you attempt your Mike Love impersonation on that last line. You know you want to.

On a related slash unrelated note, Pet Sounds. Thoughts? Opinions? A mon avis, one of the best albums of all time. Don't Talk. One of the best love songs ever written.

Each of these vintage beauties will be up in the shop by the time I head off to dreamland tonight. Happy dreaming to all!

Color Inspiration: Crimson, Scarlett and Garnet

One of my favorite interior design photos…

living-room-design-ideas-ED0110-Gambrel-15 picture frame hallwayimage via Elle Decor

Some of my favorite floral designs in red…

1jpg-a1-813538 sasha souza image via Sasha Souza

alysbri1009181 jessamyn harris photographerimage via Jessamyn Harris Photography

bombshell1 JL Designs  image via JL Designs

close-up-bridesmaids-bouquet michelle ragoimage via Michelle Rago

CLV0602WED_1-de country livingimage via Country Living

Jewel_1A_UR belle fleurimage via Belle Fleur

jenderyliz14 jennifer dery photographyimage via Jennifer Dery Photography

receptiondetails stephanie fayimage via Stephanie Fay Photography

susanandlarryblog004 w.scott chester photographyimage via W. Scott Chester Photography

thetreasuredpetal15 the treasured peta;image via The Treasured Petal

Sometimes I forget how much I like red…but now I remember!

By the way, you should check out a new blog…TuTu Divine. These girls ooze personality and they had a post about lavender yesterday that got me wanting to run down and buy lavender paint (wait till you see the kitchen in their post…). I can’t wait to see what else they have in store for us!


Wednesday 28 April 2010

vogue korea

Soft thoughts in a pure vision of Spring. Roses. Hydrangeas. Tulips. Poppies. Hyacinths. Let's lose ourselves in ephemeral joys for the afternoon, shall we? Or if you're feeling up for the challenge, an eye spy challenge of the floral nature!

vogue korea
vogue korea
vogue korea

For All You Animal Lovers…

02-flowers (Holly Flora) Daily Candy Weddings

image via Daily Candy Weddings

3829162715_ebe65d5cf6_o caroline tranimage via Caroline Tran Photography

main-middle-image bailey and blum image via Bailey and Blum

ND3_2130 preston bailey

image via Preston Bailey

ND3_2960-199x300 preston baileyimage via Preston Bailey

Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday 27 April 2010

double vision

If you're thinking these photos look familiar, well you're right! I went a little crazy in the sale section of the shop, marking tons of lovelies half off a few weeks ago. I've been adding pieces here and there and I'm shocked only a few people have taken advantage. There are some seriously good deals, especially the coats I just added. So here we go, a little self promotion...My favorite pieces 50% off pieces!

Linear Centerpieces

I don’t know why, but I usually prefer long tables to round ones and multi-piece linear centerpieces to single arrangements…my husband would say that’s because multi-piece centerpieces cost more. What do you prefer?

1 JL Designs 3image via JL Designs

6a00e5505fecd388330120a776abfa970b-450w  simply seletaimage via Simply Seleta

28-20_2 laurie arons blog  image via Laurie Arons

159_CJDustin_Wayfarers_Wedding Meg Perottiimage via Meg Perotti Photography

ag-details-1 the nichols  image via The Nichols

hollywood-wedding-photo-34 caroline tran image via Caroline Tran Photography

I2R23 sweet monday photographyimage via Sweet Monday Photography

ja_blog0017 w.scott chester  image via W. Scott Chester Photography

monica34 Meg Smithimage via Meg Smith Photography

pj_19 edmund prietoimage via Edmund Prieto Photography

Southern-California-Wedding-Jose-11   image via Jose Villa Photography

So what do you think? Like linear centerpieces? I’m pretty sure this says something about me…I like things lined up and orderly…

Hope your Tuesday is a great on!

Monday 26 April 2010

just one of those days

Scatterbrain. If I was one of those Word-A-Day calendars, this would be my April 26, 2010. Do you ever have those days where you just can't seem to get it together? So much to do but so little focus. Running around from task to task but never actually getting anything accomplished. Writing fragment sentence after fragment sentence.

Yes, well, that is me today and I'm even feeling it as I type this very moment! I suppose it all started when I rolled out of bed and discovered we were out of coffee. Being the addict I am, I slipped on the pair of shoes closest to the door and ran out to grab a cup. PJs and dress shoes with a serious case of bedhead and out for Monday morning coffee. Perfect.

And from there, my day has been one big jumble of things I'm trying to get done. Case in point found below.

dear sun

Only one shot for the post I had planned for today! The weather was quite overcast and a bit dismal on top of that. I really didn't think too many walkers would be out especially if I went at lunch time. But, nope, that was not the case! People kept walking down to the beach and I just couldn't concentrate. I get so embarrassed when people watch me take photos. I really just can't do it! End first photo attempt. Drive home. Begin second attempt. Case in point found below.

Only three new listings today for the shop today! Sorry my loves, I'm just not with it as they say. Off to a Zumba class to try to burn off some of this energy that's making me crazy and go into exclamation overload!